Enabled Hyperlink
Pro AV Catalog

Anchor Audio, Inc.

5931 Darwin Court
Carlsbad, CA 92008
United States
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InfoComm 2018 Recap
Posted on Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Here's what we featured on the show floor:
  • Our newest wireless platform operating in the 1.9 GHz wireless frequency range.AnchorLink features up to 300' line of sight range with automatic channel switching and ability to connect up to four wireless mics.
Extended Battery Warranty Program
  • The Lithium Ion Batteries now include a four-year warranty! We've also added an option to purchase a Two-Year Warranty Extension for the battery to match the six-year warranty of our sound and PA systems. 
600 MHz Upgrade Program
  • In response to the FCC's 600 MHz Auction, we're offering an exit strategy for those customers and products that are affected by this change. Check if your product is eligible for the 600 MHz Upgrade Program