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SMART Technologies

SMART Technologies Inc. is a world leader in simple and intuitive classroom technology solutions. We are an innovator in software and interactive technologies that enable natural collaboration, helping every student and teacher discover and develop their greatness. To learn more, visit smarttech.com.

Model: SP624

The SMART Podium interactive pen display lets instructors and professionals present while writing notes or illustrations with a cordless pen on the 24" touch screen.
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SMART joins the IMS Global Learning Consortium
Posted on Monday, January 17, 2011

Recognizing the need to advance the global interoperability standards for classroom technology, SMART recently joined the IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS GLC). As a nonprofit member organization, the IMS GLC focuses on increasing educational technology adoption and interoperability standards to support and enhance K–12, higher education and corporate education worldwide.

SMART will collaborate with the Consortium and its members to improve interoperability between schools’ existing systems and their interactive whiteboards and interactive response systems.

By improving these products’ interoperability with systems such as those used for school information and learning management, teachers and administrators will save time and gain greater flexibility to track, monitor and assess student learning.

Of the reasoning behind the effort, SMART CEO Nancy Knowlton states that “As educators continue to adopt classroom technology products, they need to know that their purchases function with their existing information systems and learning management systems.” She adds, “We are pleased to join the IMS Global Learning Consortium to advance global interoperability standards for the benefit of our customers and all users of interactive technology products around the world.”

